Pharmacy Review

Uncovering pharmacy department compliance risks and revenue opportunities

American Healthcare Consulting CDM Solutions AHC Chargemaster Management American Healthcare Solutions Pharmacy Review American Healthcare Consulting Charge Capture


A typical hospital loses millions each year due to an outdated CDM, non-captured services, and incorrectly billed services.

Contact AHC
today for a free, no obligation CDM snapshot review.

CDM Solutions

AHC CDM Management solutions provide the most practical, cost effective, and efficient means of guaranteeing a current and compliant CDM.

Contact AHC and put our CDM Management solutions to work for you.

Pharmacy Review

Can you afford underbilling/overbilling due to coding and multiplier issues in your pharmacy CDM?

Learn how AHC can reduce your compliance risks and increase revenue integrity.

Charge Capture

Decrease claim denials and days in A/R with a comprehensive charge capture review.

Get started today
and begin to see immediate results.

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Get in touch with AHC

AHC Pharmacy Review

AHC will identify and correct the following issues within your pharmacy chargemaster:

AHC Pharmacy Review AHC Pharmacy ReviewMissing, inappropriate, or invalid HCPCS codes
AHC Pharmacy Review Revenue code assignments
AHC Pharmacy Review NDC information
AHC Pharmacy Review Incorrect multipliers/billable units
AHC Pharmacy Review Non-standard nomenclature and description sequencing
AHC Pharmacy Review Self-administered drug classifications

Pegfilgrastim, Herceptin, Remicade...what drug will be the next OIG or RAC target? Can your facility afford to wait?

AHC Pharmacy Review Contact AHC now to obtain additional information.

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