Chargemaster Solutions

Revenue Impact Begins with the Chargemaster

American Healthcare Consulting CDM Solutions AHC Chargemaster Management American Healthcare Solutions Pharmacy Review American Healthcare Consulting Charge Capture


A typical hospital loses millions each year due to an outdated CDM, non-captured services, and incorrectly billed services.

Contact AHC
today for a free, no obligation CDM snapshot review.

CDM Solutions

AHC CDM Management solutions provide the most practical, cost effective, and efficient means of guaranteeing a current and compliant CDM.

Contact AHC and put our CDM Management solutions to work for you.

Pharmacy Review

Can you afford underbilling/overbilling due to coding and multiplier issues in your pharmacy CDM?

Learn how AHC can reduce your compliance risks and increase revenue integrity.

Charge Capture

Decrease claim denials and days in A/R with a comprehensive charge capture review.

Get started today
and begin to see immediate results.

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AHC Chargemaster Solutions

AHC Charge Master Review Charge Master Review

Achieve elevated revenue cycle performance with an current, compliant and comprehesive chargemaster. AHC comprehsnsive chargemaster review and audits ensure that your hospital charges are accurate and refelct all of your hospitals services, procedures, and supplies. AHC Comprehensive Chargemaster Reviews include the following:

AHC Chargemaser Review Validate proper use of CPT, HCPCS, Modifier, and Revene code

AHC Chargemaser Review Interview clinical department heads and support staff to identify clincial services performed that either being incorrectly charged or are not being charged for at all.

AHC Chargemaser Review Identify possible missed charges and and/or incorect coding by reviewing claims (UB-40), detail bills, patient medical records and remittance advice statements.

AHC Chargemaser Review Standard, correct and consistent use of CDM Descriptions.

AHC Chargemaser Review Regulatory guidelines appropriateness for all items

AHC Clinical Charging Review Clinical Charging Review

Without a reliable charge capture process, lost charges and improper coding can cost healthcare organizations a lot of money. And unless a facility has specifically hired someone to review it, there's no regular monitoring and review of the charge capture process. Let's think about it this way.vNulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet. Phasellus quam. Donec tristique, ante sed pretium euismod, turpis justo mattis orci, ac porttitor purus nibh quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu massa ultricies eros venenatis auctor. Vivamus quis ante. Fusce a massa.

AHC Charge Mapping Charge Mapping

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet. Phasellus quam. Donec tristique, ante sed pretium euismod, turpis justo mattis orci, ac porttitor purus nibh quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu massa ultricies eros venenatis auctor. Vivamus quis ante.

AHC Charge Master Management Charge Master Management

Do you have a charge master coordinator on staff? If not, let AHC perform this important function for you. AHC will make certain your chargemaster is consistently up to date and communicate the constant changes in coding and coding requirements to department directorsand staff. We offer multiple plans that can include updating your system from our offices if that's requested, or working with a representative in your facility, as well as a host of other services we can provide as they relate to charge capture. Check out our article on how we provide charge master services.One of the most difficult positions to replace within the revenue cycle is the Chargemaster Manager position. Requirements for this position cross many different specialties, including:
Medicare & Medicaid Rules and Regulations
Billing and Coding Compliance
Pricing Strategies
Billing Systems
Health Information Systems
Medical Practices and Terminology
Charge Capture Auditing
Internal recruitment usually guarantees an employee who possesses at least part of the skill set necessary for success, but the learning curve for the remaining skills may take more time than your facility can afford. As your new manager is learning how to perform the Chargemaster responsibilities effectively, valuable revenue could be lost due to non-captured supplies and procedures, overlooked coding errors, and gaps in charge capture and charge reconciliation processes. Can Your Facility Afford These Costly Errors?

Our managmenet program is a "Win - Win" situation for your hospital:

Your facility will benefit from the services of an experienced Chargemaster manager who can identify and resolve existing issues.

Your facility will benefit from reduced employee benefit costs as well as the cost of employee turnover.

AHC Item Master Review Item Master Review

AHC offers market analysis comparing your current pricing structure to competitors

AHC Claims Review Claims Review

AHC offers continued maintenance of your hospital's chargemaster...


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